I have a collection I am trying to delete through the Admin gui. When clicking on the trashcan it says the collection was fully deleted and gives me a success message. But when I go in and try to create a new collection with the same name I get the following:
FaultCode: 1.
Reason 'ConfigServerExceptions.CollectionError: The Collection
aehcatalog1 already exists (in d:\e\win2ksp3-i686\datasearch-
tion line 794)'
What am I doing wrong?
The collection isn't actually deleted when initially performing the action of deleting. When you delete the collection is "scheduled for deletion", you see all the documents that are associated with the collection are blacklisted in the search index and will be removed as the deletes are pushed though the system (this happens automatically)
However if you try to add a collection back with the same name, you will not be able to because it wasn't fully deleted. In reality you will be able to add it back again, however it might take a few hours before the system is ready to accept a collection with the same name again.
A suggestion is to create a collection with a different name.If you want to add the collection back, you'll have to wait for the system to digest your request to delete it. That will allow you at least work with the collection and pipeline, until you have it set exactly the way you want.Then you can add the collection back as the
original name.