Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fast Esp : QRServer and fdispatch not connected

Error code indicates that the channel is not connected. There is no connection between fdispatch and QRServer.


Restart the fdispatch and QRServer processes and then complete the following general debugging procedure:

1. Turn on fnet debugging:

2. Issue some queries.

2. Look at the output in qrserver.scrap for output similar to the following:
[2004-01-21 09:33:07] INFO : qrserver->fnet: events[/s][loop/int/io][
967.3/0.0/1.0] packets[/s][r/w][1.0/1.0] data[kB/s][r/w][0.03/0.01]

If you find a packets[/s][r/w][0.0/1.0] message displayed, then the problem
is most likely present on your system (zero packets read per second).

4. Debug logging for RTS and searchctrl. To investigate this further, it is useful to have debug logs from two components. On all search nodes:

set debuglog="true"

On the configuration server node:
set debugLog="true"

5. Edit %FASTSEARCH%/etc/searchrc-dispatch.xml on search nodes with topfdispatch.

set debuglog="true"

By default the option is set to false.

6. Edit the files above accordingly. Shut down the system and restart after verifying that all the processes have terminated successfully (frtsobj.exe, fsearchctrl.exe).

FAST ESP : QRServer timed out

You will get QR server timeout error sometime when you specified the incorrect timeout value in system.


The exception is: no.fast.ds.search.SearchEngineException: Timed out while waiting for query result.


To resolve this issue, increase the source.xml, fdispatch.addon and fsearch.addon timeout values in the system.

1. Update FASTSEARCH/etc/fdispatch.addon with the following values:
maxdocsumwait = 80
maxsearchwait = 70
maxsocksilent = 120

2. Update FASTSEARCH/etc/fsearch.addon with the following value:
maxsocksilent = 120

3. Update FASTSEARCH/etc/qrserver/sources.xml with the following value:
timeout query="60" docsum="70" (the timeout tag)

4. Restart rtsearch/qrserver.

Handling Query Errors (Java Search API)

Query errors will appear as an exception to the search() method within the ISearchView interface. Instead of printing the full Java exception, it is possible to catch the specific exception with its error code and error message.


try {
IQueryResult result = engine.(query);
} catch (SearchEngineException e) {
System.err.println("Error " + e.getMessage() + ": " + e.getErrorCode());

A nonzero error code indicates query related error messages.

FAST ESP Adminserver error codes and messages

Adminserver error codes and messages.



Log message

[Nameservice@null:0 Local@null:
/] could not activate ORB
) : org.omg.CORBA.
INITIALIZE: Could not create server socket
vmcid: 0x0 minor code: 0 completed: No

Cause(s) :

The TCP port that Adminserver's ORB tries to bind to is unavailable.
This is most likely due to another instance of Adminserver running or not properly shut down.


Check if Adminserver is already running. If it is, terminate it and restart Adminserver. Check if some other process has bound to either of the two TCP ports with 'netstat -an'. Make sure no other processes are running in the FAST ESP port range before starting FAST ESP.

FAST ESP Error Messages

The following result format is returned if an error occurs during execution of a query:

XML template:
Could not open channel to server.ERROR>

Text template:

#ERC 1102
#ERT Could not open channel to server.


Error messages in the 10xx range originate from the Search Engine.
Error messages above that originate from the Query & Result Server.

Code Description :

1001 General error. Unexpected internal error message. Contact FAST Technical Support.
1002 Error parsing query. Check the query syntax. Note: When using the FQL query language a query syntax error is normally reported by error message 1201
1003 All partitions are down (Search Engine). Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1004 No such dataset. A query parameter `dataset' exists but is not supported in this version of the product. Contact FAST Technical Support if this error message appears.
1005 System is overloaded. This will happen when queries are refused due to QPS license limitations.
1006 The requested functionality is not implemented. Check the query syntax and query parameters.
1007 Query not allowed to run (due to internal resource problem). Normally a temporary resource problem - Resubmit query.
1008 Lost connection to one or more Search Engine sub-nodes. Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces. The search client should normally resubmit the query, refer to Errors related to evaluation of complex queries.
1009 Multiple errors occurred from different search partitions. The search client should normally resubmit the query, refer to section Errors related to evaluation of complex queries.
1010 Query evaluation error (Internal Search Engine error conditions). Contact FAST Technical Support.
1011 Query timeout: One or more Search Engine nodes did not respond within the query timeout limit. The search client should normally resubmit the query, refer to Errors related to evaluation of complex queries.
1012 Not enough resources, query not possible to resolve. Analyze the query that caused the error message. Refer to Errors related to evaluation of complex queries.
1013 Not enough resources, temporary problem within the Search Engine. Search Front End may re-submit. Refer to Errors related to evaluation of complex queries if the error condition always or frequently occurs for specific types of queries.
1014 Not supported - for queries that are not supported. Check query syntax. Contact FAST Technical Support if you are not able to detect errors in the query syntax.
1015 License checkout problem
1016 Requested generation no longer available. A version of the index can no longer be reached. Contact FAST Technical Support.
1020 Document summary internal error. May be a temporary resource problem, Search Front End may try to resubmit query.
1021 Document summary internal error. May also be related to a connectivity problem or search nodes out of operation. Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1022 Document summary internal error. May also be related to a connectivity problem or search nodes out of operation. Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1101 No query state supplied, nothing to search for. Contact FAST Technical Support.
1102 Could not open channel to server (No connection to search dispatcher). Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1103 No query in the query state. Contact FAST Technical Support.
1104 Failed to send query packet. Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1105 Search timed out. The search client should normally resubmit the query, refer to Errors related to evaluation of complex queries.
1106 Unknown response for query. Contact FAST Technical Support, please include information from query log.
1107 Connection failed while searching (Connection to search dispatcher failed in the query-phase. Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1108 Failed to send docsum request packet. Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1109 Docsum fetching timed out (Timed out waiting for docsums from search engine). Refer to Errors related to evaluation of complex queries.
1110 Connection failed while fetching docsums. Verify installation (System Management) and network interfaces.
1111 Unknown response while fetching docsums. Contact FAST Technical Support, please include information from query log.
1112 Failed to store hit information. Contact FAST Technical Support.
1113 Failed to allocate memory for query. Contact FAST Technical Support.
1114 Partial Result. Not possible to retrieve results from all columns (partitions). This may be caused by a connectivity error or an error with a specific search partition. Verify installation (System Management), network interfaces and the status for the search partitions.
1201 FAST Query Language (FQL) query parsing error. Refer to the error text for error details.
1202 Result processor failure. Check query parameters.
1998 Requesting a result template that is not supported. May occur when using customized result template formats.
1999 Query & Result Server error. Contact FAST Technical Support.
2000 Failed to write data to client. (Will only be present in the query logs.) This error is caused by the client closing the connection prematurely.