Is there a way to determine if the index for a collection is completely
empty and deleted.i.e. after adminclient -d AND deleting the collection in the GUI.
How can we know that everything is really gone.
On large systems deleting all documents in a collection may take quite
some time. You should verify that all documents in the collection are gone
by issuing doccount-commands to all columns by using the rtsinfo tool.
rtsinfo nameserver nameserverport clustername columnid rowid
For a system with three columns, one row and standard port range, run
these three commands on the admin node.
rtsinfo adminhost 16099 webcluster 0 0 doccount collectionname
rtsinfo adminhost 16099 webcluster 1 0 doccount collectionname
rtsinfo adminhost 16099 webcluster 2 0 doccount collectionname
(replace adminhost and collectionname with the entries valid for your system)
Typical output from each of these commands:
There are 1750 docs in the collection collectionname.
When "0 docs" is reported from all columns, the collection is clean.