Sunday, July 6, 2008

PointBase Console in Weblogic

You can administer the default database installed with WebLogic Server (PointBase) using the PointBase administrative console, or any third party database visualization and management tool that can connect via JDBC.

To Launch PointBase Console from the Windows Start Menu.

1. Ensure that WebLogic Server is running. You will not be able to use Pointbase unless WebLogic Server is running.

2. From the Start menu, choose Programs-->BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1-->Examples-->WebLogic Workshop-->PointBase Console.

When the console starts, it prompts you to enter connection parameters to properly connect to the database. Enter the following connection information, which is also what you will need if you use a third-party product to access the PointBase database:

Driver: com.pointbase.jdbc.jdbcUniversalDriver
URL: jdbc:pointbase:server://localhost:9093/workshop
User : weblogic
Password : weblogic

PointBase stores all data in .dbn files and all log information in .wal files. Database properties are stored in PointBase.ini files. Data files for WebLogic Portal are named workshop.dbn and log files for WebLogic Portal are named workshop$1.wal. Pre-built PointBase data, log, and PointBase.ini files for WebLogic Portal samples are included in the following directory:

<%WL_HOME %>\user_projects\domains\<%DomainName%>

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