Sunday, July 6, 2008

Launch Java Applications from Assembly Language Programs

Java Native Interfaces (JNI) is a mechanism that can be used to establish communication between native language programs and the Java virtual machine. The documentation for JNI and the technical literature on JNI deal extensively with interactions between the JVM and C/C++ code. The Java SDK even provides a utility to generate a header file to facilitate calling C/C++ programs from Java code. However, there is hardly any mention of Java and assembly language code working together. In an earlier article I showed how assembly language programs can be called from Java applications. Here I deal with the technique for invoking Java programs from an ASM process through a demo application that calls a Java method from assembly language code. The Java method brings up a Swing JDialog to show that it has, indeed, been launched.

Why Java with ASM?

JNI is essential to the implementation of Java, since the JVM needs to interact with the native platform to implement some of its functionality. Apart from that, however, use of Java classes can often be an attractive supplement to applications written in other languages, as Java offers a wide selection of APIs that makes implementation of advanced functions very simple.

Some time ago, I was associated with an application to collect real-time data from a number of sources and save them in circular buffers so that new data would overwrite old data once the buffer got filled up. If a designated trigger event was sensed through a digital input, a fixed number of data samples would be saved in the buffers so that a snapshot of pre- and post-trigger data would be available. The original application was written in assembly language. After the application was used for a few months, it was felt that it would be very useful to have the application mail the snapshots to authorized supervisors whenever the trigger event occurred. Of course, it would have been possible to write this extension in assembly, but the team felt that in that particular instance it was easier to write that extension in Java and hook it up with the ASM program. As I had earlier worked with ASM-oriented JNI, I knew this could be done and, indeed, the project was implemented quickly and successfully.

I am sure there are many legacy applications written in assembly language that could benefit from such add-ons. However, it is not only for old applications in need of renovation that JNI can prove useful. Although it may seem unlikely to some of us, assembly language is still used for writing selected portions of new programs. In an article published not very long ago, the author says, "I have found that many of Sun's partners still use assembly language in their products to ensure that hot code paths are as efficient as possible. While compilers are able to generate much more efficient code today, the resulting code still doesn't always compete with hand-coded assembly written by an engineer that knows how to squeeze performance out of each microprocessor instruction. Assembly language remains a powerful tool for optimization, granting the programmer greater control, and with judicious use can enhance performance." Clearly, in such "mixed language" applications the ability to use Java with ASM can be useful.

Note that the technique shown here can also be used to call Java code from languages other than ASM. If JInvoke is rewritten as a .dll, code written in FORTRAN, for instance, can link to it and call a Java method.

I have used JNI with legacy ASM code in two ways:

1. Functional enhancement: Mail-enabling an existing ASM application, as
mentioned earlier.
2. Interface enhancement: Adding interactive user interface (mostly AWT, but
some Swing as well).

These enhanced applications have run on Windows 2000 and XP. The Java versions used were 1.3, 1.4, and 1.6. In all cases the applications worked smoothly.

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