Tuesday, May 19, 2009

FAST ESP : QRServer timed out

You will get QR server timeout error sometime when you specified the incorrect timeout value in system.


The exception is: no.fast.ds.search.SearchEngineException: Timed out while waiting for query result.


To resolve this issue, increase the source.xml, fdispatch.addon and fsearch.addon timeout values in the system.

1. Update FASTSEARCH/etc/fdispatch.addon with the following values:
maxdocsumwait = 80
maxsearchwait = 70
maxsocksilent = 120

2. Update FASTSEARCH/etc/fsearch.addon with the following value:
maxsocksilent = 120

3. Update FASTSEARCH/etc/qrserver/sources.xml with the following value:
timeout query="60" docsum="70" (the timeout tag)

4. Restart rtsearch/qrserver.