Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Indexing Issue : excel macro files


You found that indexing failed on an excel file with macro with "Password proctected"
error message. While the document is not password protected, we found that certain
parts of the excel document/work sheet are protected and non editable.


Password protected excel files are not supported, as the stellant converter will fail
to process it. In this event, it is normal to receive the error telling you there is
a problem with the documents being password protected or encrypted. In addition,
one will also receive the error if certain parts of the excel document/work sheet are
non editable. The explanation from Stellent on this is that their software cannot
differentiate between various kinds of protections that Microsoft has for Excel
sheets. That is, when a worksheet is being processed, all the converter sees is that
the worksheet has a password protection of some sort. How a worksheet is protected
and what parts of it are protected are not known, because this information is
unavailable to Stellent.