Thursday, August 28, 2008

DOJO - Ajax Technology

Dojo is an Open Source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript. It builds on several contributed code bases (nWidgets, Burstlib, f(m)), which is why we refer to it sometimes as a "unified" toolkit. Dojo aims to solve some long-standing historical problems with DHTML which prevented mass adoption of dynamic web application development.

Dojo allows you to easily build dynamic capabilities into web pages and any other environment that supports JavaScript sanely. You can use the components that Dojo provides to make your web sites more usable, responsive, and functional. With Dojo you can build degradable user interfaces more easily, prototype interactive widgets quickly, and animate transitions. You can use the lower-level APIs and compatibility layers from Dojo to write portable JavaScript and simplify complex scripts. Dojo's event system, I/O APIs, and generic language enhancement form the basis of a powerful programming environment. You can use the Dojo build tools to write command-line unit-tests for your JavaScript code. The Dojo build process helps you optimize your JavaScript for deployment by grouping sets of files together and reuse those groups through "profiles".

Dojo does all of these things by layering capabilities onto a very small core which provides the package system and little else. When you write scripts with Dojo, you can include as little or as much of the available APIs as you need to suit your needs. Dojo provides multiple points of entry, interpreter independence, forward looking APIs, and focuses on reducing barriers to adoption.

Download Dojo Tool Kit 1.1.1

Integrate With Code :

1. First add the Dojo script file before body tag
script type="text/javascript" src="js/dojo1.0/dojo/dojo.js"
djConfig="parseOnLoad:true, isDebug:true"

Dojo has a mechanism for setting various configuration options at runtime. The two most common are parseOnLoad, which toggles page-load parsing of widgets and in-markup code, and isDebug, which enables or disables certain debugging messages.

We can set these configuration in another way also.

script type="text/javascript"
var djConfig = {
isDebug:true, parseOnLoad:true
script type="text/javascript" src="js/dojo1.0/dojo/dojo.js"