The Portlet Preparer Tool is used to create .portlet files out of JSR168 portlets contained in war file, thereby allowing Weblogic Workshop to import the contents of that war file as a new Portal Web Project.
import a war file containing JSR168 portlets, complete the following steps:
1. Extract portletConverter.jar to a temporary location on your hard drive (In the following instructions this directory will be called ).
2. Place your war file in .
3. Set the WEBLOGIC_HOME in or env.bat (depending on your platform).
4. run or env.bat (depending on your platform).
5. run ant -Dwar.file= (where is the name of the war file).
A directory called tempDir under is created.
Open WebLogic Workshop and import the tempDir as a Portal Web Project.
To add portlets to an existing portal webapp, complete the following steps:
1. Complete steps 1-7 above.
2. Copy any necessary classes to the WEB-INF\classes directory and the necessary jars to the WEB-INF\lib directory.
3. Make necessary changes to the web.xml (example: servlet definitions).
4. Add elements to the portlet.xml for each portlet added (these can be copied from the portlet.xml in the tempDir created above).
5. Copy the .portlet files from tempDir\portlets to your webapp
6. Add the portlets to your portal.
You can download this tool : Download ....
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