Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Fast Esp : QRServer and fdispatch not connected

Error code indicates that the channel is not connected. There is no connection between fdispatch and QRServer.


Restart the fdispatch and QRServer processes and then complete the following general debugging procedure:

1. Turn on fnet debugging:

2. Issue some queries.

2. Look at the output in qrserver.scrap for output similar to the following:
[2004-01-21 09:33:07] INFO : qrserver->fnet: events[/s][loop/int/io][
967.3/0.0/1.0] packets[/s][r/w][1.0/1.0] data[kB/s][r/w][0.03/0.01]

If you find a packets[/s][r/w][0.0/1.0] message displayed, then the problem
is most likely present on your system (zero packets read per second).

4. Debug logging for RTS and searchctrl. To investigate this further, it is useful to have debug logs from two components. On all search nodes:

set debuglog="true"

On the configuration server node:
set debugLog="true"

5. Edit %FASTSEARCH%/etc/searchrc-dispatch.xml on search nodes with topfdispatch.

set debuglog="true"

By default the option is set to false.

6. Edit the files above accordingly. Shut down the system and restart after verifying that all the processes have terminated successfully (frtsobj.exe, fsearchctrl.exe).